Are the Melbourne Storm the dirtiest team in the League?
2008-09-20 18:26:57 UTC
I'm sick to death of seeing these dirty dogs grapple, chicken arm and choke players ligimately taking up the ball into a wall of defence, they are ruining the sport and need to be stoped. How many players will be chocked and worse be twisted back in gang tackles damaging a vertebrae. I hate the Storm, as brilliant as their backs are!

As a New South Welshman, it was strange to be supporting the Broncos, but atleast they now know how the Blues State of Origin team often feels against a last minute Qld win.
31 answers:
2008-09-20 21:45:41 UTC
They are all pretty dirty. I only hope the Grand Final is between Sharks and Sea Eagles.

Good one Neil.

I'm from the Shire also.

Hot Buns Rising
2008-09-21 09:47:05 UTC
oh please , the feeling of losing and a few dirty moves by the winner and the winner is labelled dirty , low , pathetic by the opponent's fans..This is too old already. Every single team can and is playing dirty when they have a chance , seriously , on the field and during tackles , it is hard not to make some dangerous moves . While it is against the rule and those who make dangerous tackles should be seriously punished , dirty playing does not exclusively belong to any team.

That said , It is so funny to watch things turned out the way they did for broncos , isnt it a bit cruel , like a joke from the universe that winning was almost in broncos' hands before they was forced to let it go in the last 45 seconds. Still , 45 seconds left or not , it was still within playing time and Melbourne got a chance to reverse the situation , so they did and they totally deserved it.

Karma really is a bi!!tch. Undisciplined, uneducated , disorderly and nasty behaviors get the broncos where they are today. Sorry I have no sympathy for them , none. 3 players got into an off field incident , plus the captain of them team, Darren was proven to be the one in the footage doing the wrong thing, yet they were still let to play . So please do not talk about other team's fault here , Greg Bird from sharks was immediately stood down indefinitely , then the 4 broncos should have as well. Something has gotta pay and losing bitterly right at the last minute of the game was it.
Joe D
2008-09-20 20:33:13 UTC
I don't think the storm are all that dirty even been a broncos supporter since they joined the comp. I think that if the officials have recognised the illegal tackling the chicken wing/ grapple whatever and from who ever this should be penalised get rid of techniques out of the game by sending these players off or legalise them. The officials need to take a stance. And being a new south welshman im not surprised you hate the storm as most hate the broncos but you all back the aussie team which is loaded with broncos and melbourne players
2008-09-20 20:26:49 UTC
You BRONCOS fans are the biggest whingers in the NRL when things don't go your way! I have a divided family (Qlds and NSW born). I think the Storm deserved the win and both teams played great. It was a bloody thrilling game to watch. The stats show the game was even, even the refs call went the Broncos way (+ 10 minutes sin bin on Jeff Lima what a joke!)! And if that isn't enough to keep you 1 eyed My Little Pony fans happy, why were the 3 Broncos players involved in the incident during the week on the field? Oops, I forget the Broncos investigate these matters themselves don't they.

Since Bruno Cullen is dragging poor Netballers into the argument, how about other professionals like teachers, nurses or police. If any of them has a sexual allegation against them they are suspended immediately until the investigation is over. If they're 'professionals' why don't they get the same treatment? Something really smells I reckon. Anyway good luck to the Storm and I now know that the best teams will contest the final.
2008-09-21 15:07:39 UTC
I am not so concerned about the players being dirty (even though I believe many of them are), but more for the way that the situation was handled. Maybe a suggestion should be that the Ref, on request, can view the tackle again on the big screen if he deems it to be dangerous. I admit I'm a Broncos supporter, and the Storm won we can't change that, but I think that the reason for the send off wasnwar rentedted, I think it may of been to please the fans because he didn't send of the one person who should of been sent of for a dangerous tackle, Cameron Smith!

No I'm not whinging, if a Bronco did it I would of said the same thing!
2008-09-21 10:03:33 UTC
Ok here we go, supporters of every other team jump on the 'they win alot so they must be the only team does it' bandwagon. EVERY team does it, the Storm's success is the only reason the focus is put on them. I bet the Bulldogs do it, but no one says anything because they were hopeless this year.

Everyone needs to wake up to themselves, the Storm arent the only team that uses a wrestling coach. Just because your team has probably been rolled over buy the Storm juggernaut the past few years, no need to start whinging. JUST GET BETTER, or move to the side please, the Storm are passing through.

(Warrior Princess you might wanna check the scores of the times u beat us, i wouldnt call them ass whoopings. They were close tough games, congratulations on winning last weekend. Referees might wanna look at the Offside King........oops i mean the Charge Down King, Steve Price instead. Funny he seems to be the only person in the game that can do it when there are faster players than him around over 10-15 metres, just a thought)
2008-09-21 04:55:50 UTC
I have been an admirer of Storms for a number of years but I must agree that they are the DIRTIEST team in NRL. I dont care who wins and I am not a supporter of Broncos but from last nights game there is no doubt that the Storms are still using their dirty tactics to win matches. I was in fact surprised that the referee didnt even bother penalising Storms for several chicken wings, grapples, and even slowing the play until the Broncos and the fans just got fed up with it. I just hope Shane Hayne doesnt ref the remaining games because I will feel sorry for the sharks or whoever is playing the Storms. There seem to be a preconceived idea among people like Shane that Storms cant lose so is turning a blind eye to their dirty plays. If Cameron as the captain is attacking the neck what do you expect from the rest of his players? Dont get me wrong, I am an admirer of Storms since its formation, but I hate cheats and dirty tactics in NRL and also every other sport. But right now, yes I agree that Storms rule NRL with their grapple and chicken wings and its soooo sad to see referees like Shane Hayne or whatever his name is... do little about it. It is sad for rugby league in Australia.
2008-09-20 21:14:08 UTC
The Storm are one of the FEW teamns in the NRL that DON'T have a full-time wrestling coach. The Broncos were the first team to go full-time wrestling and sacked their tackling coach to replace him with a wrestling coach.

The Storm get all their grapples highlighted by every oter team b/c the other teams are trying to de-rail them. But every other team does it too.

Where the Storm are weak is that they don't complain the way the other teams do - they should whinge like Bennett/Stuart & Co and maybe get half a chance from the refs.

It's sickening that all these coaches who pioneered wrestling and grapples are given air-time in the press when they whinge about Storm doing it TOO.

"How dare this new team from the south do back to our team swhat we've been doing for years"

In an AFL town they'd laugh bennett out of he press conference for such obviously crap accusations
2008-09-21 16:31:30 UTC
When will everyone get this through their thick heads. It isn't just Melbourne who do the grapple tackle, chicken wing and all that crap. It is everyone in the NRL and it is time David Gallop and his goons did something about all the clubs.

Each club has a wrestling coach, why doesn't the NRL step in and get rid of them. Eliminate wrestling from the game.

And for god sakes it is not just Melbourne so don't come out and brand Melbourne as the only grapplers

And Warrior Princess, Melbourne is owned by Fox, they are owned by Newslimited who own the Herald Sun in Melbourne
2016-05-25 12:38:24 UTC
Too right!!! Storm have one of the best recruitment & Development programs in the NRL comp. Their results speak for themselves!!! Too all the haters - it doesn't matter where the players come from, the fact is that most were passed over by the major teams, but the Storm put them through their R&D program and now their super stars. I mean just look at Geoff Lima, plucked from French 1st Division Super league, Ryan Tandy also journey man in the Super league. Dont hate the STORM, just get your team to start really looking at their R&D of RL players!!!
2008-09-21 16:10:29 UTC
In regard to OHY355's answer, my team have whooped the Storm's butts the last two times they've played them so it isn't because my team are losing that I label the Storm the dirtiest team ever to disgrace a football jersey. But as Bingalee said, so long as they are owned by the juggernaut (yes ohy, Fox is the juggernaut, not the team) they will continue to get away with low acts & dirty tactics & will continue to win as a direct consequence of foul play being ignored by touchies & referees.

I see Cam Smith has been put on report but I can't see the judiciary punishing him for it.

Is it any wonder that parents are signing their kids up for AFL & soccor when they see dangerous stuff being allowed on the Rugby League field like what the Storm do.

Go you Sharkies next week. Hope to see you at Homebush in a couple of weeks
2008-09-21 07:10:48 UTC
NO they aren't..If you watch STORM beating broncos last night you will see that the broncos go head high in alot of tackles,.push players who don't have the ball,take dives like they have been shot, come in late and flop on a tackled player,score trys on forward passes.Storm have been the best team in the NRL for the last 3 yrs because they work hard. Sydney siders you have to get your head around the fact that the game is not just a sydney- qld game.Wasn't a parramatta player seriously injured in the 80's.
2008-09-20 18:35:05 UTC
No, all teams do it. Everyone just picks out the storm cause they are the a very sucsesful interstate team. I am from NSW (sutherland shire) so I will going for the sharks next week but I dont think the storm are dirtier then any other team.

Edit - Eliza if all teams dont do it then why do they all have wrestling coaches. I havent seen any broken necks or backs in leauge since everyone has been complaing about the graple, last serious spinal injuries I remember were McCraken and Nathan Brown and "grapple or chicken wing" wernt the flavours of the month or buzz words then.

Last major injury I can think of in a wresting style tackle was on Luke O'Donell by Liam Fulton who played for the TIGERS not the STORM. Dont get me wrong, Im not a storm fan, I go for the Sharks so I hope that get belted next week but if they do loose I wont be complaing about dirty tatics, every team will push the boundrys of the rules untill the NRL crack down for morw thwn 3 rounds and forget about it.
2008-09-21 02:29:40 UTC
I have to agree with you that Melbourne is the dirtiest team in the NRL - but then, if they are allowed by the referee and touchies to do what they do, then the blame must rest there.

Last night's game almost came to a huge fight as the ref allowed Melbourne to lie all over tackled players and to continue the tackle and do flops and late hits in addition to choke holds and elbows to the neck.

Don't agree that Archer is the top NRL ref and its time that the NRL practice what they preach - ban the grapple tackle and the chicken wing.

If the two Melbourne players don't play in the next game, it would be justice.
2008-09-20 18:43:43 UTC
Melbourne Storm control the NRL that is quiet obvious to be warned only a few times last night and even for the worst attempt to break the opposition players neck was an instant send off. It is total bullshit that the player involved was let off. Obviously they own the referees to. NRL and the Referees are to scared to to penalise the Storm as they fear the loss of there jobs.

Super League and Storm are the 2 worst things that ever happened to rugby league and until they are put out of the competition which will never happen its always going to be a 1 sided affair. PISS OFF STORM OR TACKLE LIKE THE REST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS RIGHT U DONT KNOW HOW TO TACKLE PROPERLY IF U TRIED UD BE THE WOODEN SPOONERS
2008-09-21 00:47:07 UTC
ofcourse they are, have you ever seen them play a full game with no grapple tackles or the chicken arm or any of that?

and to neil... all the teams do not do it

otherwise every player would either have a broken neck or a broken back

yes there are maybe a few teams that do it on the odd occasion but seriously, melbourne have nothing better to do then play dirty, thats how they win



neil, they may all have wrestling coaches but doesn't necessarily mean they use it one the field, which they obviously don't because not every team use dirty tackles like storm
Storm fan
2008-09-20 21:40:00 UTC
Would everyone get over themselves, the storms are not the only team that has dirty tactics... I don't condone some of thing things they do but hey... are they not penalised for it..... and if god forbids that a player gets hurt who will suffer the consequences of there actions, Yes you got it the player that causes the injury (and the poor bloke who can no longer walk) but he the tackler will have to live with it for the rest of his life knowing that he had the option to tackle properly or not.... It is a player choice, and there are more effective was to bring a player down, i bet you he wasn't taught to tackle like that when he was youngster.

Last but not least who in days gone by had the worst reputation as being a dirty team... YOU GOT IT MANLY
2008-09-21 00:00:02 UTC
You have to be kidding me, just cos melbourne start to win you people start talking about dangerous takles, and storm a dirty side, half of the melbourne storm team plays for either nsw or qld in origin and as soon as that jumper goes on, you have a change of heart and they become clean brilliant players, they only thing you people have a problem with isnt, that you think melbourne is a dirty team. Its that you cant stand them and there winning, just admit it, go storm, stick it right up them.
louis d
2008-09-21 03:15:41 UTC
until the nrl clamp down on these tackles and actually suspend them for it this will keep going on

as far as smith is concern trying to rip the broncos head off he should get a week for it but most properly not.

and trust a female to mention rape as judi states dont forget it was the female who asked the three blokes into the toilet for sex and did not like her photo taken
Rey A
2008-09-21 03:36:36 UTC
NOT the dirtiest? Really?

One guy chicken wings Sammy Thaiday on the right while another one rips his head off on the left.

I havent seen other teams do it.

Should we then train players to be contortionists so we may accomodate the unique stylings of the oh so innocent Melbourne Storm.
ACTF (MWSEF back after summer)
2008-09-21 15:37:21 UTC
up your arsenal
2008-09-21 02:53:41 UTC
why dont you get a life mate you sydneysiders whine about state of origin when you lose and you whine about any other team outside of sydney i bet you are a swans supporter as well who are **** anyway so take your head out of your **** and aknowledge the storm for what they are a great team
2008-09-20 20:41:01 UTC
Yeah, I'm afraid they've taken over from St George & the Bulldogs
2008-09-21 01:41:38 UTC
Melbourne are dirty. They have been for 3 years.
2008-09-22 02:18:02 UTC
you NSW and QLD people are all a bunch of Jealous losers
Bill P
2008-09-20 21:40:47 UTC
It is not so much that they are the dirtiest, it is that they are allowed to get away with so much, then again Easts also get away with a heck of a lot.
2008-09-20 19:22:56 UTC
i totally agree with dave

the storm are so up them selves it is not funny they know they can play DIRTY and get away with it

hope the get knocked out next weekend
2008-09-24 00:00:07 UTC
Ohhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeerrrrr

Bronx should have one
2008-09-21 20:44:36 UTC
Offcourse they are, wow, first time i've ever answered my own Question! Suspension sucks!
2008-09-20 18:31:33 UTC
While ever they are owned by Fox, they will be a protected species. It shouldn't be allowed.
judi j
2008-09-20 23:58:07 UTC
get a life ,at least they don't rape women and lie about bad behaviour.

Broncos deserved to lose.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.